The Blog

The role of ideology in the insurgencies against Napoleon

Exploring the ideological foundations of counterrevolutionary insurgencies against Napoleon, the focus lies on key figures like Joseph de Maistre, Chateaubriand, and De Bonald.[…]

2024: The Year of Progress

As we embark on a new year, it serves as a poignant juncture for reflection and reimagination. It prompts us to assess our[…]

Orwell Revisited: Unveiling the Resonance of ‘1984’ in Today’s World

Totalitarian Echoes: Orwellian Themes in 1984 and Modern Societies In the tumultuous corridors of literary genius, few works resonate with the enduring relevance and prophetic[…]

Transformative evolution of monarchical power in the post-Napoleonic era: Portugal and France.

Transformative evolution of monarchical power in the post-Napoleonic era: Portugal and France. In the crucible of the early 19th century, the consequences of the[…]

Tradition’s Crucible: Navigating the Shifting Sands of Western Identity.

Tradition’s Crucible: Navigating the Shifting Sands of Western Identity. In the echoing corridors of contemporary Western societies, I resonate a sobering concern: the[…]

Unraveling the Paradox of Love and Loss: A Night at the Golden Goose Theatre with “What I Really Think of My Husband: Thomas Hardy and His Wives”

Unraveling the Paradox of Love and Loss: A Night at the Golden Goose Theatre with “What I Really Think of My Husband: Thomas[…]